Agile Strategy Execution System

The platform has improved how we work. It is very collaborative and helps us maintain shared understanding. Everyone on our teams knows Insights7 is where they can go to see what’s going on. And they know how to address changes and new challenges as they inevitably arise. This way, we ensure the work we do is connected to the value we need to create. – CEO at an Insights7 customer

The Insights7 platform is designed to support companies in continuous, agile strategy execution. We do this by providing a customizable work-to-value maps that provide the context to develop shared understanding within and between teams of the relationship between work team do and the value they collectively create. The maps also create a durable data structure for integrating steady-state KPIs, stretch-goal OKRs and strategic initiatives. We make it easy for you to start and get quick results from your increased focus and alignment. But know that we also have deep functionality as your needs grow.

It’s easy to get started using the Insights7 platform

Insights7 checklist to create a custom work-to-value map for a team or organization. It identifies the customer, job to be done and types of value created. This becomes the basis for building shared understanding

Create your first map

It’s easy to get started using our simple checklist to customize your team’s value creation map. The map creates concrete shared understanding about the work the team must do and the value they must create. It also becomes a durable structure for organizing data. Add KPIs to measure current health. Use OKRs to manage aspirational goals. Create business cases for growth and innovation. Meet regularly to stay on the same page. For organizations with a single offering type or for internal teams, this map provides plenty of power.

Connect more maps

When one map won’t do, easily create additional maps. The platform lets you manage each map independently but also to engineer connections and resources across component maps. Health and growth activities of individual teams can be viewed on an aggregated or disaggregated basis. The most common use case is an organization with diverse product offerings supported by multiple internal shared services.

Insights7 map of connections between quality management and other teams in a company value chain

Increase the level of precision

As your collaborative work deepens, take advantage of additional functionality. Map processes, controls and policies. Allocate resources and costs. Add time tracking. Over time, our platform will become the nerve center of your organization, optimizing within and across silos.


Monthly platform fee for either a single- or multi-product implementation.

Implementation and managed services available through Insights7 and our partners.